Athletic Contacts

Each team is listed in alphabetical order by sport, with the Head Coach notated. 

Baseball Coach

Brian Etter

Basketball Coach (Middle School Boys)

Greg Reed

Cheerleading Coach (High School)

Jocelyn Topper

Cross Country Coach (Middle School)

Tracey Buchheister

Football Coach (Varsity)

Eric Foust

Soccer Coach (High School Boys)

Warren Jones

Soccer Coach (Middle School Girls)

Todd Burns

Track and Field Coach

Mike Sassin

Volleyball Coach (High School Girls)

Jackie Ulmer

Basketball Coach (High School Boys)

Craig Van Scyoc

Basketball Coach (High School Girls)

Eric Minor 

Cheerleading Coach (Middle School)

Kandi Rosenberry

Field Hockey Coach (High School)

Angie Hostetter

Football Coach (Junior High)

TJ Silverstrim

Soccer Coach (Middle School Boys)

Matt Unger

Softball Coach

Jarett Worthington

Unified Bocce Coach 

John Klenzing

Wrestling Coach (Varsity)

Josh Barrick (Boys) & Rachel Kline (Girls)

Basketball Coach (9th Grade Boys)

Randy Bibey

Basketball Coach (Middle School Girls)

Ray Robinson

Cross Country Coach (High School)

Jonathan Marshall

Field Hockey Coach (Middle School)

Dana Singer

Golf Coach

Brad Horgos

Soccer Coach (High School Girls)

Todd Burns

Swim and Dive Coach

Jonathan Hoffman

Volleyball Coach (Middle School Girls)

Chris Napolitan

Wrestling Coach (Junior High) 

Russell Davidson (Boys) & Rachel Kline (Girls)