About Us
The Shippensburg Area School District is
nestled in the rolling hills of the Cumberland Valley among picturesque
mountains and fertile valleys. This south-central Pennsylvania community offers
a wealth of educational, family, and entertainment opportunities to its
residents and tourists. Rich in tradition and enhanced by a dedicated group of
directors, staff, and administration, the Shippensburg Area School District
offers a diverse program of opportunities to the school and community populations.
The Shippensburg Area School District includes approximately 129 square miles and provides transportation for nearly 90% of its approximately 3,700 students in grades K-12.
The Shippensburg Area School District operates five educational facilities organized on a K-3, 4-5, 6-8, and 9-12 plan. Each student is issued a Chromebook at the beginning of the school year for content integration and learning at home. Specific to our buildings are gymnasiums, specialized rooms for music and art K-12, current and appropriate library media facilities to support the educational process, a modern swimming facility, a planetarium, as well as athletic and recreational facilities including an all-weather track.
Additionally, the District and Shippensburg University jointly operate the Grace B. Luhrs University Elementary School, a K-5 elementary school on the campus of Shippensburg University.
Elementary Education (grades K-5)
The elementary schools have the School-wide Title I designation and receive federal funding. The University Elementary School is not designated as Title I. Reading and mathematics programs at the elementary level are offered at the educational level of the student with periodic evaluations to assure continuity. In addition, individualized and small group assistance for students having difficulty is provided by certificated educational specialists. All instruction in the areas of library science, art, vocal and instrumental music, and physical education is provided by certified specialists. Choral and instrumental programs are provided for students wishing to begin instruction, or to pursue advanced musical groups. Public performances are a key component of the music program.
Grace B. Luhrs University Elementary School, Nancy Grayson Elementary School, and James Burd Elementary School are named to honor local persons who made an impact in our community.
Middle School Education (grades 6-8)
The academic program provided in the middle school is a carefully articulated bridge between the experiences of the elementary program and the requirements of the senior high school. Students are grouped in teams to enhance their learning opportunities and to permit instruction to take place at a level where each student can be challenged and experience success. Technology integration into the content areas is a strong instructional component utilized by staff and students alike. Students participate in the exploratory subjects of computer technology, art, music, health and physical education, as well as having access to a well-equipped media center. Students have opportunities to participate in band, orchestra, and various choral groups. Interscholastic athletics are offered at the 7th and 8th grade.
High School Education (grades 9-12)
The Shippensburg Area Senior High School offers academic programs for students of all abilities and interests. College preparatory programs are enhanced by advanced placement courses, accelerated programs in science, English, math, and a choice of two foreign language programs. The proximity of the Shippensburg University permits the district to offer students the opportunity to enroll in college level courses to supplement their educational program. Computer laboratories are available for use by the students. The business and agricultural programs offer instruction leading to higher education as well as employment. Students are also offered the opportunity to participate in the variety of the offerings provided by the Franklin County Career and Technology Center. Students have the opportunity to participate in interscholastic sports, as well as band, orchestra, chorus, theatrical performances, intramurals, extensive visual arts opportunities, various clubs and service organizations.
Additional Services and Supports
Programs and services for students with special education needs are administered by the District, the Capital Area Intermediate Unit and the Lincoln Intermediate Unit. The life skills, emotional support, learning support, and gifted programs offer specially designed instruction, special materials and equipment to meet the student’s needs. A unique transition program is available for many life skills students at the Timothy House. The annual Shippensburg Area Special Education Track and Field Meet is the highlight of the year for many students.
A Student Assistance Program (SAP) is available at all of the District schools. SAP provides consultation and assessment services for students experiencing problems with substance abuse and/or mental health issues.
Child Study Teams (CST) are available in each elementary school to assist students who may be experiencing learning problems.
Alternative educational programs are available to secondary students who are experience difficulty with the traditional structure of the middle school and/or high school.
School District Colors:
Maroon and Grey
The Greyhound
High School Yearbook:
The Scroll
Football Field:
Veterans’ Stadium - Located at Memorial Park
Long-standing Annual Football Rivalry with Big Spring School District for "The Little Brown Jug (LBJ)"
Alma Mater
All hail our high school,
Its tower and bell, Willing and eager its Praises to tell.
To pledge allegiance, We’ll sing loud and long, Shippensburg triumphant Its glory in song.
We love thee, Alma Mater, And loud our voices raise, For all your patient teachings, This noble hymn of praise,
The world will need our service, In life, at work or play,
But deep inside, shall be a pride In our Maroon and Grey.
verse II.
Lead on and serve well, Ye, old grads and new, Make your old high school Be proud of you.
Mid all life’s ventures, If chance comes along, Let’s raise our voices In this tribute song.
By Sarajane